Can I Drink Softened Water?

The weather has been pretty hot of late and as a result we have all needed to drink more water in order to stay hydrated. This brings a common question to mind about whether or not it is safe to drink softened water. Read on to find out…

Can I drink softened water?

Due to the ion exchange process, softened water will have a slightly higher amount of sodium than hard water does. How much sodium a water softener adds to your water depends on how hard your home’s water is in the first place. This should not be of concern however. There is actually more sodium in a glass of milk than in a glass of softened water and the typical amount of sodium in softened water is too small to have any sort of negative impact on your health. Many people in fact prefer the taste of tea or coffee and cordial made with softened water. It’s certainly worth noting that millions of people have been drinking softened water since the 1920s with no reported health related problems and studies have shown that the added sodium shouldn’t be an issue for most healthy adults. The only small cause for concern is for very young babies on formula milk which should not be made up using softenened water. 

What if I would still prefer not to drink softened water?

Despite softened water being perfectly safe to drink, It is still recommended that you also have a separate hard water drinking tap installed where possible. This means that there is still a choice of which water to drink. There are several options available to you. We install as standard a mini tap for drinking and cooking purposes whilst the rest of the household water supply will be from the water softener. Better yet, you could install a reverse osmosis system to get the purest refreshing drinking water straight from the tap at your kitchen sink.

If you have any further questions about this or anything else, we’d love you to get in touch!

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